MSMA : One Night with KMP Ambu-Ambu

Mentawai Islands Regency is one of the second level regional administrations in West Sumatera Province, established after the 98's Reformation. The entire regency area located on outside the island of Sumatra. So that, it becomes inevitable for its people to use non-land transportation to interact with the provincial capital and the capital city of the country, moreover with overseas countries.
Consists of 4 major islands, Siberut, Sipora, North Pagai, and South Pagai, plus many small islands, sea transportation became an idol to move people and goods in this archipelago. There are several ships currently operating from Padang, the capital of West Sumatra Province, to several sub-district cities in the Mentawai Islands and vice versa.

There are 4 ships that routinely serve the local people and travellers, who want to feel the great wave of Mentawai. Otherwise, High budget tourist can rent a boat to ride them from Sumatera Island to Mentawai Islands in prices and sizes vary.
MV Mentawai Fast might be the best choice for those who need the speed and time accuracy to the Mentawai Islands. This boat only takes 3 hours to complete the journey from Padang City (Muaro Port) to the Mentawai Islands Regency Capital, Tua Pejat, which is located in Sipora Island. Vice versa. Likewise, the route to Muara Siberut which located in the Biggest Island in this cluster. This ship can be so fast not only because of its very aerodynamic shape but also the load carried is not large, practically around 200 passengers with luggage.
Whereas for logistic transportation for the needs of the Indonesian people who are on these outer islands are served by KMP. Ambu-Ambu and KMP. Gambolo which is operated by a state-owned enterprise, PT. ASDP. The Ambu-Ambu ship itself can carry 255 passengers and 20 vehicles.

Tuesday, April 26th 2016, due to an Order, I became one of the passengers of the KMP Ambu-Ambu departing from Bungus Port, Padang City towards Sikakap, the largest sub-district town in North Pagai.
Around 11 AM, we, me and some colleague, headed to Bungus Harbor to got KMP Ambu-Ambu tickets. At KMP Ambu-Ambu there are 2 ticket classes. Economy class, Just for the right to sail along Ambu-Ambu and sit in the seats provided as in economy class deck on that vessels. But you can save your night by renting a mattress and stretching it in the aisles between the chairs or even under the chair. But it seems that every vacant land on deck 1 has been plotted well by its routine passengers. Or if it did not enough, VIP class tickets might be your night saviour.
At the KMP Ambu-Ambu, the VIP class is divided into three rooms located with the same deck as the economy class, 1st deck. You will get a bed for each ticket number you buy.

I can not remember the size of the VIP bed, not too large for sure, but we could sleep well in a state of fatigue. Each of the VIP rooms is equipped with AC which can make sleeping comfortably. If you have a chance, just order a bed close to the window and away from the door so you will not disturb by people who get in and out of the room. And if you feel taller than the average Indonesian, it's better to book a bed below because the space between the bed and the ceiling is very narrow
On the same deck, there is also a canteen that sells various drinks and snacks during the trip even though the passengers already prepared their own provisions in The Harbor. There are also 3 televisions that can still capture electromagnetic signals so that it can broadcast live football match like UCL Semifinal at that night even though we are sailing in the middle of Mentawai Strait. Clean and well-preserved prayer room e also available on the deck.
For the cigaret lover, The 2nd Deck is the best place in KMP Ambu-Ambu to inhale the flavour of tobacco and clove because that deck has an open space. That also the best spot to see the sublimity while sunrise come. In the centre of 2nd Deck, there are rooms that intended for the crew to rest when they on off-duty. But it is also known can be rented for "special" passenger like a high-level officer or guest from surf resort. My Informant said, the additional cost for renting the crew room is Rp.600.000 and could be occupied by 4 people.
In the bottom deck, vehicles park tidily. Cars, motorcycles, or sometimes heavy equipment parked side by side with goods and material which will be resold in Sikakap. Every Goods and Material that can not be produced in this remote island like Indomie, biscuit, beverages, other household appliances. That goods and material did not own by one seller. This MV is the best way to send all of Mentawai people needs.
For the cigaret lover, The 2nd Deck is the best place in KMP Ambu-Ambu to inhale the flavour of tobacco and clove because that deck has an open space. That also the best spot to see the sublimity while sunrise come. In the centre of 2nd Deck, there are rooms that intended for the crew to rest when they on off-duty. But it is also known can be rented for "special" passenger like a high-level officer or guest from surf resort. My Informant said, the additional cost for renting the crew room is Rp.600.000 and could be occupied by 4 people.
In the bottom deck, vehicles park tidily. Cars, motorcycles, or sometimes heavy equipment parked side by side with goods and material which will be resold in Sikakap. Every Goods and Material that can not be produced in this remote island like Indomie, biscuit, beverages, other household appliances. That goods and material did not own by one seller. This MV is the best way to send all of Mentawai people needs.
Overall, the KMP Ambu-Ambu is very convenient for passengers to get to the Mentawai Islands. Stories about public transportation that are dirty, pungent, and inadequate do not appear in this KMP Ambu-Ambu. This reflects that the parties responsible for transportation affairs in our country continue to improve towards better.
Mentawai people very depended on sea transportation to full fill their basic need. A very decent and fit vessel be the main need for them. That is not only the government job but also every stakeholder to make that ideal condition always there all the time. Because Mentawai people is Indonesian.
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